We have seen or heard that sunscreen is very important especially when we are going to be exposed under the sun but we sometimes ignore or too lazy to put on some sunscreen.
If you're not yet convinced why you need to wear sunscreen, the following video will surely persuade you. It shows what happens to your face when you wear sunscreen and it explains why you have to wear it. Please share this to your friends and family for them to know how vital sunscreen is.
According to a study sometime on 2013, the diligent application of sunscreen everyday can slow the development of wrinkles and sagging skin. It can also help prevent sunburn and skin cancer like melanoma and squamous cell carcinoma.
The study concluded that the 900 white participants in Australia had noticeably more resilient and smoother skin than those who don't practice wearing sunscreen.
In the video, artist/photographer/writer Thomas Leveritt captured people in the ultraviolet spectrum, which highlights freckles and sun damage and asked them to put on sunscreen. The video also recorded shocked reactions of strangers viewing their faces.
Social media accounts of Thomas Leveritt: FB, Instagram, Twitter, G+
Social media accounts of Thomas Leveritt: FB, Instagram, Twitter, G+